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Newest Release:

Waking Roslyn
Sleeping Beauty Reimagined

Tales of Winberg
Book 5

A lady whose life is being threatened.
A servant who’s been trained to protect.
Can he teach her to defend herself against those who threaten her life?

Tales of Winberg Series:

Books of Dalthia Series

Contemporary Stand-alones

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  1. Mom Rowley Mom Rowley

    I’m so excited for Just Ella to be published! It’s just wonderful!

  2. I loved Just Ella! Thank you so much for writing a clean romance, that was just wonderful to dive into. I cried, twice! And I very rarely cry over books, but the romance was so delightful that I cried Ella’s tears. Thank you! I can’t wait to read more of your books. Good for you for keeping a clean story!

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