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Category: Songs for Libby

It’s Here! It’s Here!

Songs for Libby is out there in the world, waiting to be consumed.

Let the nervous, fluttering, heart-pounding suspense begin!

For me.

Because that’s how I feel—every time I release a book. Waiting on pins and needles to see if people will buy it. Then to see if people will review it. Then to see if people actually like my precious little book baby that I poured my heart and soul into! The characters I shaped. The words I bled for.

Libby’s Songs

I’ve accumulated a pretty hefty list of songs that feel like they speak to my characters, so this time, instead of just doing one playlist, I’m going to divide it into two. This week I’m focusing on the songs that seem like they could be from Libby’s point of view, or have the dual point of view of both characters. And next week I’ll share Sean’s songs.

So, in celebration of Songs for Libby being released in only NINE DAYS, here are their songs.

Lest I scare you off with the angst and heaviness of the rest of the songs, I’ll start with the song that I associate with the end of the book. 🙂

♪ Lover—Taylor Swift

Beta Alpha Delta

I’ve mentioned beta readers several times and I’ve had a handful of people ask me what the heck they are.

It’s like beta testing a product. When you develop computer software or hardware, you have to beta test it before you start to sell it for real money. There will always be coding issues that need to be fixed, so developers have to debug it so that users don’t waste their hard-earned cash on something that’s going to have issues.

Same thing with books. It’s a product, and my readers spend their hard-earned money on it, so I don’t want to sell them a product that is defective.

But how can a book be defective?

Wanna See My New Book?

Shall we have a cover reveal? I think we shall.

My approach for this cover was different than any of my others. For each of my other books I’ve been able to come up with a pretty solid concept of what I wanted the cover to be. I always had a jumping off point that I could work with and develop until I reached the point where I knew enough of what I wanted that I could convey it to my husband and he could put it together for me.

Indie Author Hurdles

The past couple weeks I’ve been doing my best to write the blurb for my next book. If you’re familiar with my ramblings, you probably know that I have a hard time with that particular aspect of preparing to publish. How do I make my story sound amazing and enticing, while also being completely honest about what kind of book it is and what people should expect, but without sharing so much information that it lands in spoiler territory? I’m crossing my fingers that it looks something like this: