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Tell Me What To Write

Since Patreon is a new forum for me, I thought I’d give you guys an example of what exactly I’m going to be doing on it. Yes, you can get early copies of my book releases if you join the $3 tier. But I want to talk about the $2 tier. This tier allows participants to help me write a book. For example, right now I’m just getting it started, and this is the poll that I’ve put up for patrons to vote on.

The results of this poll will determine the basic premise of the story, and then I hope to get more detailed feedback on what the situation will be, settling, etc… Then I’ll write the first chapter, distribute it to patrons, and then we’ll decide where to take the story from there.

Now, this is all experimental. Maybe it will turn out awesome, and I’ll end up publishing the final, polished story. And maybe it will just be something fun and crazy for those who’d like to tell me what to do, and want a little more clean romance in their lives. 🙂

So if this looks like fun to you, then hop over to Patron and check it out. The $2 tier also gives you access to additional bonus content, and a forum of people who love books as much as you do.


Published inPatreon

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