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Book Birthday Giveaway!

September 7th is the one year book birthday of All Our Broken Pieces. So, to celebrate this book being one whole year old, I will pick two people to receive a signed paperback.

You can enter by commenting on this blog post, my Facebook post, my Instagram post, or my Twitter post. I’ll put all the names in a hat and pull two out on September 7th.

You can comment as many times as you want. You can tag people. You can share the post and tell me you shared it. You can tell me your favorite color or your favorite book. Just comment!

Published inAll Our Broken PiecesAnnouncements


  1. Linda May Linda May

    Happy Book Birthday, love the cover and it looks like an amazing read. Thanks for your great generosity.

  2. Karissa Karissa

    Congratulations on the milestone. I’d love to be considered for the drawing. Have a great week & happy writing

  3. grandmatina grandmatina

    Happy Birthday!!! Don’t you just love book birthdays?? Thanks for a chance to win.. Tina

  4. Erin Reed Erin Reed

    Oh my goodness, I am SO EXCITED! I hope I win, but if not I will still get this book! You are an amazing storyteller, and I have been waiting, and waiting for your next book!

  5. Leiana Smith Leiana Smith

    Loved the idea behind this book. It was even more interesting when my mom got a new phone and received a text for the old person. It so can happen. What a fun way to meet someone new and what a deep understanding of each other.

  6. Ellie Ellie

    I love all your books, especially just Ella. I’ve read it over 10 times and I still cry very time. I’ve also gotten a couple of friends hooked on your books. Thank you for writing clean romances! They’re really hard to find and I really appreciate it.

  7. peggy clayton peggy clayton

    Happy Book Birthday. I have not read this yet but would love to and I will tell others what I am reading plus when I am done I will review on Amazon and Goodreads! Thank you for offering a print as I have a disease called RSD and can only do print as fingers are crippled badly plus I have been fighting this for about 32 years so it has no end not like a book. Celebrate Sept 7th and have a great day!

  8. Carina Bennett Carina Bennett

    Book birthdays are definitely worth celebrating. You put so much life and heart into your books. Thank you for developing and sharing your talents.

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