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Tea Party—Jane Austen Style

Well, my six weeks of preparations for this tea party finally came to fruition last Tuesday. It was super fun to be there with a good friend, and to be surrounded by so many beautiful women who were just as excited (or almost as excited) to be dressing up as I was.

We got to chat with a bunch of other ladies about their outfits. Some were sewn for them, some were from a neighbor’s closet, some were remade prom dresses. We got to mingle and play little games.

The food was lovely. The little watercolor painting and smelling salt stations were fun.

Mr. Darcy was in attendance. So serious.

And it was fun to hear from Julianne about the writing of Edenbrooke and her publishing journey. She’s a fantastic storyteller and a lovely person.

I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Not only for the sheer fun and silliness of it, but because it prompted me to be creative in new ways.

If you’d like to see the silly little Reel I made, transforming myself into a regency lady, that can be found here:

And this is the less gimmicky one that I took from a Marco Polo that I sent my family.

Published inPersonalRandom

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