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Month: November 2019

Happy Release day!

It has arrived! All That Stands Between Us is live and out in the world, and I’ll be honest, I’m a little bit at loose ends about it. I’m so excited. And I’m ridiculously nervous. And there’s even a healthy dose of fear thrown in there.

If I’m lucky, all of those emotions will meld into a collective “yay!” sort of feeling in the next few days. Until then, I’ll just hold myself together with tape and glue and hope it sticks.

Release Date! Pre-order!

Well, my friends,

My idiocy is your good fortune.

I had it in my head that Thanksgiving was November 21st, when it’s actually November 28th.

And I SO wanted to release All That Stands Between Us BEFORE Thanksgiving, that when my wonderful editor told me she’d be able to get my final proofread finished in time, I jumped onto Amazon KDP this morning and set my release date for “the day before Thanksgiving,” November 20th.