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Update From My Bunker

Okay, so there is no bunker. It’s my house. It just sometimes feels like a bunker during these strange times. I’m sure all of you can relate.

I hope everyone out there is doing well dealing with these odd circumstances we find ourselves in. I’ve never been on such friendly terms with sand sanitizing wipes. I happen to have a container of them in my console and I’m pretty sure my steering wheel is like, “What the crap, Annette? Suddenly you think I’m so disgusting that I must be wiped down every time you go somewhere?”

I experienced my first earthquake two days ago. I live in Boise. This is not earthquake zone, so it was especially bizarre. Hence the feeling of my house being a bunker… (All is well, by the way, we felt the big rumbling, but no damage and no injury).

A little joke…

I wish I could say that all this time at home has resulted in me finally being able to finish my latest book! But, alas, I’ve barely touched it. All of you moms out there know that your home life is not suddenly carefree, it’s more like a natural disaster. Children everywhere. Whining. So many screens.

So I’ve chosen to work on my YouTube audiobook project. I now have fully HALF of the Just Ella audiobook published (16 Chapters!). And I’m going to try to pick up the pace, releasing another chapter every day, instead of just three a week. So (crossing fingers), I should have the last chapter uploaded in 14 days. Then, any of you who have been waiting for the full book to be out before you started (I get it, it’s what I’d do), can have it fully available.

I haven’t been reading either. I know for a lot of people this is great reading time, but I’ve actually learned to tread carefully with my reading habits. I’m terrible at regulating my reading to just appropriate times. I get sucked in and tend to ignore all else until it’s finished. With my five kids home and needing to find new and inventive things to do, I have to be plugged in. So, no books for me during quarantine.

I’ve developed an affinity for painting rocks. Me and my kids paints rocks and then leave them around our neighborhood for other kids to find. It’s turned out to be really therapeutic for me.

I’ve learned the importance of LOW EXPECTATIONS during this time. If I have any kind of goals for what to get done or how to do it, I inevitably fail and make myself and those around me miserable. So, I’ve decided it’s ok if my kids only do a little bit of school stuff. It’s okay if my house is a wreck. It’s okay if all I can do is keep my sanity and be nice to my kids.

This new normal we’re all living is stressful. Even if you don’t have big, immediate needs or troubles, it’s still hard on the mind and body. Everything is different. Everyone is acting different. Some people are being kind and helpful (be one of those) and others are being the worst versions of themselves. Be kind to yourself. We don’t have to do it all. We don’t have to be good at homeschooling. We don’t have to have all the answers. It’s okay if you need a nap. Situations like this bring up old trauma, which means your body is going to need a little extra rest and care.

If all we can do it muddle through this thing, then we will have succeeded.

Peace to you, my friends.

Published inAnnouncementsRandomUncategorizedYouTube

One Comment

  1. Karen Karen

    Great thoughts and ideas Annette! Thank you for sharing this. I love your rock painting! Good job on them! It’s so true that we don’t need to stick to a strict schedule. We just need to take care of ourselves and families and keep us happy. You’re doing great! ❤️❤️

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