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Audiobook Complete!

I just posted the final two chapters to YouTube for my Just Ella Audiobook. So, for any of you who were waiting for it to be fully available before starting to listen—the wait it over!

This has been an interesting experience for me. Once I got a little bit of practice with recording, it ended up being really easy. Granted, finding the time and motivation was sometimes a little tough, but the actual reading and recording, and even the editing turned out to be easy enough. That was a pleasant surprise.

I will start recording Missing Lily soon, and I will be anxious to see how this first audiobook is received and how many people are actually interested in this format. This is a new thing for me, and something that’s honestly been good for me to focus on during these odd times. However, my main objective will always be to produce new books.

So, please give it a listen! Or pass the link on to someone else if audiobooks aren’t your jam.

And, of course, I have to say the obligatory: LIKE! SUBSCRIBE! Because it really does make a difference. Also, if you are subscribed, you’ll get notified when I post new content.

Stay safe. Stay positive. Reach out if you’re having a hard time—to me, or to a friend, or to someone. It’s easy to see this isolation stuff as not too hard, or not such a big deal, but it IS a BIG DEAL. It’s heavy and it will have real, long-lasting affects on our mental health. So please be proactive about caring for yourself and asking for help.

Much love to you all!

Published inAnnouncementsIndie AuthoringYouTube

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