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ARG, Mateys! It’s ARC time!

I pirate-ified my title as a reminder that Hooked is released! Yay! Such a happy little thought. If you haven’t grabbed it, it’s up for sale and available to borrow through KU.

Now to the reason for my title.

Y’all know what an ARC is? It’s an Advance Readers Copy. It’s the books that authors or their publishers send out early, before the release, in order to generate early reviews. If you accept an arc, you agree to give the book an honest review soon after it’s published.

Do I send out ARCs? Yes.

Do I happen to have an ARC to send out now? Yes.

Can you get your hands on one of these ARCs? Yes.

How? Join my ARC/Street team group on Facebook

The most recent post has directions of how to get an early copy of Cloaked in Scarlet.

If you don’t have Facebook and still want an ARC, message me. I’m sure we can work it out.

Clean Romance Highlights

Flipping for Love by Rebecca Talley is FREE today.

A provisional project manager, a determined business owner, and a house flip that propels them together and exposes past secrets.

Arresting Her Heart is a new Christian Romantic Suspense release by Jenna Brandt.

Noah West has some big shoes to fill…
His brothers are the best first responders in all of Texas.

The Elven Spymaster’s Thief by Elisa Rae is a Fantasy novella.

Avril’s master orders her to steal a dagger from the very elf she wishes to evade most, the elven spymaster of Eldarlan.
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