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Presenting: The Starling and the Hatter

I did it! I made my deadline. I wrote the rough draft of my Alice in Wonderland retelling, The Starling and the Hatter, in less than three months, which is faster than I’ve ever written a book before. *Happy Dance* I gave it to my editor, got my developmental edit back, made revisions, and now it’s in the hands of a few beta readers who will help me to make it even better and shinier.

And for those of you who haven’t seen it on my social media, I HAVE A COVER!

When do I plan to release it? Good question! I was debating and trying to figure out if one month would be better than another, while also considering my schedule and blah blah blah. In the end, I just bit the bullet and chose a release date of January 17th. Huzzah!

It’s actually already on pre-order, so if you would like to be sure and have it in your digital hands as soon as it releases, you can preorder now. It will also be available in paperback, but I won’t have a link for that until about a week before my release date.

If you would like to be part of my street team/early review team, please join this FB group, where I give directions on how to receive early review copies and how to help me spread the word about my books. Self-publishing is a beast and I need all the help I can get.

Published inIndie AuthoringStarling and HatterTales of Winberg

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