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Tag: fairytale retelling

Connections and Cover Reveal

How do we connect with others? What kind of connection do we crave? What kind of connection are others satisfied with?

When it comes to writing romance, especially sweet romance, there is so much of the story that is about connection. Since I don’t utilize sex to demonstrate vulnerability and intimacy, I instead rely on all of the ways people connect before they reach that level. But even after we find the one and are in a long term committed relationship, we still have to connect with our spouse in order to keep that relationship and bond strong.

Special Pre-order Price

All right, my friends. Second star to the right, and straight on till morning! March 8th is the day!

HOOKED is out and available in the world. You can preorder it now and it will be released March 8th. As a special thank you and in hopes of launching this new series in grand fashion, all preorders of HOOKED will be only $0.99. It will also be available on KindleUnlimited if that is your preferred method of book consumption.