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Waking Roslyn is AVAILABLE!

This (sleeping) beauty is published and out in the world! I’m so excited for you all to read it. Yay!

As with all of my books, this one can be read on its own, so if you haven’t read the rest of the series, that’s not a problem. It’s on Amazon in ebook, paperback, and available to borrow if you have KindleUnlimited.

If you’ve already read it, please review! If you find reviewing overwhelming, just answer these three questions:

Did you like it? It was great. It was okay. I LOVED it. It wasn’t my cup of tea.

What did you like? The characters were amazing. The romance was spot-on. I did not see that plot twist coming.

What didn’t you like? The pace was too slow. The characters fell flat. It was predictable. I loved it all, so no complaints!

The Blurb

A lady whose life is being threatened.
A servant who’s been trained to protect.
Can he teach her to defend herself against those who threaten her life?

Lady Roslyn just wants to go home, but home is where her political rivals want her dead.

Sent away for her own protection, she’s spent four years keeping her head down and longing for the day it will be safe to return. When she relocates to Bridgefield, she finds a place and people who accept her as she is and make her feel safe—most especially the manor’s groundskeeper, John. Not only can he protect her, but he can teach her how to protect herself.

When lessons in self-defense turn into whispered confessions and an ever-growing attachment, Roslyn’s desire to go home wanes as John starts to feel like her real home. Yet choosing him could mean never seeing her family again.

John would do anything for Roslyn, but trusting in their shared affection when she is so far above him in station is a risk when falling for her could put her life in further danger.

When Roslyn is called back home, John has to let her go. Yet his worry remains. Are her parents right in thinking the threat is passed, or will she be walking into danger?

A story about overcoming prejudice and choosing love, this deeply romantic Sleeping Beauty retelling highlights the joy of finding someone you can rely on and choosing them above all else.

As an extra bonus, I’ve put The Starling and the Hatter (book four of the Winberg series) on SALE!

Clean Romance Highlights

Aerisian Refrain by Sarah Ashwood is a portal fantasy.

A voice that brings magic. A power that brings war.

The Vampire’s Masquerade by Nellie Peters is a modern day vampire romance.

Life’s a pain when your boss is a vampire…

The Rose and the Wand by E.J. Kitchens is a romance with the Beauty and the Beast enchantress as the heroine.

One curse won’t cure another. Or will it?
Published inAnnouncementsPublishing ProcessTales of WinbergWaking Roslyn

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