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Dalthia Sale

The first two books of the Dalthia series, Just Ella and Missing Lily, are both on sale for $.99 this week.

If you have a friend or family member who you think would like this series, now is a great time to give it a try. Please recommend it, or you could even gift it to them!

If you’ve already read them, now is a great time to review them! Reviews don’t have to be long or detailed. One or two sentences is great. Even something as simple as, “Clean, romantic, great kissing. 4 stars” is awesome.

Both All Our Broken Pieces and All That Stands Between Us are pretty sparse on reviews. Getting those up above 50 reviews would mean a lot to me and be very helpful. So, this is me begging.

Yes, I am that pathetic.


Published inAll Our Broken PiecesAll That Stands Between UsAnnouncementsJust EllaMissing LilyReviews

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