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Giveaway, and Release Date Change

Hello, my lovelies.

First, the happy things. Now that all twelve of the Shattered Tales have been released, it’s a great time to go enter our awesome giveaway! The ultimate winner will receive ALL TWELVE paperbacks, PLUS, some fun fairytale swag. Go here to learn how to enter.

And the not so great news. I’m coming to you from the deep, dark, depths of flu-ville to let you know that the release of Waking Roslyn will be delayed by 30 days. The new release date is April 11th.

I’ve never had to do this before, and I apologize for the delay, but I couldn’t in good conscience continue with that release date. So far, I’ve lost week and a half of work time with this flu, and at this stage of the game, that’s put me in a tough spot. If I were to push myself to get this manuscript done in time for my line edit which was supposed to be on the 16th, I know that the story wouldn’t be what it needs to be. I have always been more concerned with quality over quantity, and the thought of publishing something that isn’t my best work is untenable. John and Roslyn deserve my best and this is the only way I can give them that.

I hope that this new year has greeted you all with a smile and beautiful horizons. I’m excited for what’s to come and I’m grateful for every one of you.

Clean Romance Highlights

The first day I got sick, I was able to read Oceans of Sand by Jessica Flory. It was so good! The world building was fantastic and the romance was so sweet. Zadock calling Norah “Wild Girl”—yes, please.

One girl. Her boat. An ocean of sand to cross.

Hunting Sirens by Mary Mecham is a new release. It’s a gender-fipped Little Mermaid retelling with a deaf female siren hunter, and a male siren.

She was destined to hunt sirens to extinction… but can she complete her mission before one of them captures her heart?

Trusting His Heart by Jen Peters is a small town romance, and is only $.99.

Could he be the one to make her stay?
Published inAnnouncementsTo Betray a KingWaking Roslyn

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