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To Betray a King Cover Reveal!

I FINALLY get to share my cover with you! Usually I share it as soon as I get it, or at least as soon as I have it up for preorder, but this time I had to WAIT. So, it’s time to start rolling out the covers for The Shatter Tales series.

My book, To Betray a King is a Frog Prince retelling that asks the question:

What if a princess was tasked with poisoning a stranger?

And here’s the cover in all its glory!

Releases October 3rd.

Pardon me while I luxuriate in the beauty for a moment…

K, I’m done.

Seriously, though, I love all that lush green so much! And the water, and her dress, and the locket, and the frog. *sigh*

If you keep an eye on my social media, we’re doing the rest of the cover reveals over the next ten days! AND, while we are doing cover reveals, all 12 books are on pre-order sale for only $.99 each. So if you’re wanting to pre-order, now is the time!

Published inAnnouncementsBook CoversTo Betray a King

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