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A Treasure Hunt!

Treasure hunt? Easter egg hunt? I’m not sure which is a more accurate a title. The point is—one of the fun things about having a sister who writes the same sort of books as you do is that our books could take place in the same world… And it just so happens that my sister released her debut novel last week.

So here’s the deal. Kimberly Pearl and I have organized a giveaway and a little game to celebrate the release of Emerald of the Sea!

The prize: A signed paperback of Emerald of the Sea and a signed paperback of Hooked (though I’d be willing to send a different book if the winner feels strongly about it).

How to enter: You gotta read the book, people!
*Go buy or borrow Emerald of the Sea (It’s on SALE for $.99 right now!) and read it.
*Then fill out this google form.

I’m giving y’all two weeks. U.S. only (darn those international shipping rates!) So it ends July 20th.

So go READ and then fill out this google form. The more correct answers you get, the more times you’ll be entered. Happy Hunting!

Published inAnnouncementsAuthor FriendsTales of Winberg

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